8 Mar 2018 / Fraude Investigator App

Fraud Investigation app is a winner

Since 2015 multiple Dutch governmental organizations are working with

the Montr Fraud Investigation app. This native iOS iPad is developed with the aim to provide easier and high-quality reporting during fraud investigations. The stakes are high. In The Netherlands, the yearly amount of social security fraud is estimated at € 4 bln. The yearly amount of tax fraud is also estimated at € 4 bln.

One of the problems with executing fraud investigation is limited manpower and sometimes legacy back-office applications with which the officers and civil servants have to work. The overall process is time-consuming. And of course, no mistakes can be made because that is problematic in court. Legal defense is happy with and looking for inconsistencies and sloppiness in reporting.

The first gain of working with the Fraud Investigation app is that it speeds up the investigation. Multiple organizations have ciphered this gain at a staggering average 20 to 30% net per investigation. These gains are only when using the application as is. When the application is directly integrated with the back office applications this figure will rise to 40% timesaving per investigation.

By using the Fraud Investigation app a team on average can generate a third more fraud investigations without hiring new people.

But, that’s not all. Our customers notice also that by using the Fraud Investigation app the evidence in court is more convincing. We often hear from customers that a challenging case which was under investigation with the app was judged to be convincing were in the past -without using an app- similar cases were rejected by the court.

An overview of the app can be found on our website.

The app

Then the details. Of course, the app is GDPR compliant, Dutch governmental organizations work with high privacy and security compliance. Photographs are in high demand during investigations. We use all of these possibilities and the app can process high loads of high-resolution photographs which can also be edited in the app. Other functionalities which are of interest:

  • Scheduling functionality for multiple visits during the day.
  • Adding and managing observations.
  • Multiple questionnaires within one app.
  • Informed consent procedure integrated.

Another unique feature is the alarm functionality. We have integrated a push button within the app which notifies an Alarm Respons Centre within seconds when pressed.

Although our main client base is situated in The Netherlands we have an international team and work in multiple European countries. Our applications are multilingual and can easily be transformed into any language.

Interested in the possibilities to upgrade your fraud investigation process? Give us a call at +31 88 033 30 68 or send an e-mail to app@montr.nl